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In the evening of the 27th of November 2014, Manuel Reis welcomes at LUX Frágil the launching of Maria Antónia Oliveira’ book “NÃO – uma biografia do Ar.Co” (Sistema Solar/Documenta). With a PhD from the FCSH, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (her thesis being Os Biógrafos de Camilo), Maria Antónia Oliveira has published several articles on biography and was awarded in 1990 the Prémio Revelação Ensaio of the APE/IPLL with A Tristeza Contentinha de Alexandre O’Neill (Caminho, 1992). She is also the author of Alexandre O’Neill. Uma Biografia Literária (D. Quixote, 2007). Fernando Pinto do Amaral and José Sarmento Matos were in charge of the book’s presentation and stressed the stylistic and compositional innovations that the present work brings to the biography format. The house was filled with several generations of friends, collaborators and historical figures of Ar.Co.


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    Launching of the book by Maria Antónia Oliveira "NÃO - Uma biografia do Ar.Co" at LUX Frágil, Lisbon, November 2014.

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    Launching of the book by Maria Antónia Oliveira "NÃO - Uma biografia do Ar.Co" at LUX Frágil, Lisbon, November 2014.

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    Launching of the book by Maria Antónia Oliveira "NÃO - Uma biografia do Ar.Co" at LUX Frágil, Lisbon, November 2014.

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    Launching of the book by Maria Antónia Oliveira "NÃO - Uma biografia do Ar.Co" at LUX Frágil, Lisbon, November 2014.

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    Launching of the book by Maria Antónia Oliveira "NÃO - Uma biografia do Ar.Co" at LUX Frágil, Lisbon, November 2014.

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    Launching of the book by Maria Antónia Oliveira "NÃO - Uma biografia do Ar.Co" at LUX Frágil, Lisbon, November 2014.

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    Launching of the book by Maria Antónia Oliveira "NÃO - Uma biografia do Ar.Co" at LUX Frágil, Lisbon, November 2014.

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    Launching of the book by Maria Antónia Oliveira "NÃO - Uma biografia do Ar.Co" at LUX Frágil, Lisbon, November 2014.

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    Launching of the book by Maria Antónia Oliveira "NÃO - Uma biografia do Ar.Co" at LUX Frágil, Lisbon, November 2014.

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    Launching of the book by Maria Antónia Oliveira "NÃO - Uma biografia do Ar.Co" at LUX Frágil, Lisbon, November 2014.